Trailer Hook-Ups, Carteret County, NC

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Installing trailer hook-ups is an ideal way to facilitate guests who arrive with their RVs.

The popularity of travel trailers, also known as RVs, for family vacations has continued to climb over the past decade or two. What has also gained in popularity is using them to visit family in the Carteret County, North Carolina area rather than staying in a traditional campground. If you either have an RV of your own or frequently host family and friends from out of town, it can be helpful to have trailer hook-ups ready to plug into. At Carolina Plumbing & Repair, we can put in tie-ins for water service so that your guests can enjoy the features of their travel trailer rather than trying to share the bathrooms in your home.

Trailer Hook-Ups in Carteret County, North Carolina

Trailer hook-ups are an easier and more convenient solution than using a garden hose or lugging gallon jugs of water to the RV. Your guests simply attach their water line to the connection and turn on the value, just as they would do at a campground or RV park. An additional tie-in can be done for gray water to run from the travel trailer to your drain system.

Whether you have a travel trailer that you let people stay in from time to time or they bring their own, installing trailer hook-ups makes setup easy and uncomplicated. They can even take care of it themselves if they arrive while you are still at work or running errands.

If you would like to know more about trailer hook-ups for your home, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Since our inception in 1980, we have always focused on offering both the usual plumbing services and those that are less common so that you always know you can contact us with whatever plumbing concern you have in mind.

At Carolina Plumbing & Repair, we service trailer hook-ups in Raleigh, Garner, and Carteret County, North Carolina.